Dios Mio!

Raw, passionate, direct, honest without a bit of compromise to be softer to please the viewer, without turning away from any
detail of the life that is genuinely enjoyed and fully lived through the way it is, however unconventional it might seem.

Click here to order Dios Mio!

Get the vibe of the book ‘Dios Mio!’ by Brian Sergio
from this video, with music by Malek Lopez aka Mumuy.

"Dios Mio!" by Filipino photographer Brian Sergio.
2021. Soft cover, Japanese binding with burgundy thread
2 real photos attached to the cover (front and back)
16 x 25 cm, 86 pages including 5 fold-out pages
35 € + shipping

Check it out: dienacht-magazine.com/2021/08/02/brian-sergio-dios-mio